4,490 research outputs found

    Automated Morphological Measurements of Brain Structures and Identification of Optimal Surgical Intervention for Chiari i Malformation

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    The herniation of cerebellum through the foramen magnum may block the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid determining a severe disorder called Chiari I Malformation (CM-I). Different surgical options are available to help patients, but there is no standard to select the optimal treatment. This paper proposes a fully automated method to select the optimal intervention. It is based on morphological parameters of the brain, posterior fossa and cerebellum, estimated by processing sagittal magnetic resonance images (MRI). The processing algorithm is based on a non-rigid registration by a balanced multi-image generalization of demons method. Moreover, a post-processing based on active contour was used to improve the estimation of cerebellar hernia. This method allowed to delineate the boundaries of the regions of interest with a percentage of agreement with the delineation of an expert of about 85%. Different features characterizing the estimated regions were then extracted and used to develop a classifier to identify the optimal surgical treatment. Classification accuracy on a database of 50 patients was about 92%, with a predictive value of 88% (tested with a leave-one-out approach)

    bending damages in galvanized ductile cast irons

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    Abstract Ductile cast irons (DCIs) are characterized by mechanical properties close to low and medium carbon steels. Carbon atoms are mainly localized in graphite nodules, which are dispersed in a metallic matrix. The microstructure of metallic matrix can be ferritic, austenitic, pearlitic, martensitic or their mix, depending on chemical composition and heat treatment. Thanks to the high castability and low production costs, DCIs are used in many fields (e.g., automotive and pipes). The wide utilization of DCIs in many fields and critical application leads to particular attention to the corrosion phenomenon. Hot dip galvanizing is one of most important protection process, used to protect metallic materials (mainly steels) against corrosion in many aggressive environments. In this work, a ferritic-pearlitic DCI (GS500) was galvanized by using a pure Zn bath at 440°C to generate a zinc coating. Bending tests on galvanized specimen were performed to generate crack damage in the coating phases. The bending cracks path propagation in zinc coatings were observed using both a light optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. A damage parameter, defined as a number of radial crack for a millimeter of the deformed arc, was evaluated for each zinc coating intermetallic phases

    grain size influence on fatigue behaviour in a cuznal pe sma

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    Abstract Due to their capability to recover the initial shape, Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are widely used in many applications. Different grades are commercially available and they can be classified considering either their chemical compositions (Cu based, Ni based, Fe based and so on..) or according to their mechanical behaviour. The most used SMAs are the Ni based alloys thanks to their performances both in terms of mechanical resistance and in terms of fatigue resistance, but their costs are quite high. Cu based alloys are good competitors of the Ni based alloys. The recent optimization of their chemical composition improved both the corrosion resistance in aggressive environments and their mechanical performances. In this work, the influence of the grain size on fatigue crack propagation in two Cu-Zn-Al SMAs focusing on the damaging micromechanisms

    On the mechanics of caldera resurgence of Ischia Island (southern Italy)

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    A model of caldera resurgence was applied to the Island of Ischia to explain uplift, volcanic activity and tectonics on Mount Epomeo, as well as historical seismicity and slow ground movements recorded for the past 2000 years. A two-dimensional mechanical model was utilized for the crust, which was considered to be an elastic plate overlying a laccolith. Geometric dimensions and mechanical parameters were constrained using geological, geophysical and geochemical data. We propose that a laccolith, with a diameter L of c. 10 km, and a depth of up to 1 km in the centre of the island, triggered the caldera resurgence after the Mount Epomeo Green Tuff eruption forming the caldera (55 000 a BP). A bending phase and a punched laccolith phase are thought to have caused the observed deformations in the caldera. These processes control the tectonics at the boundary of the Mount Epomeo resurgent structure, volcanic activity and dynamics of the island

    Resurgence and flank failure of Mt. Epomeo, Ischia Island (Southern Italy)

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    Risorgenza e collasso laterale del Monte Epomeo, Isola d’Ischia Il Monte Epomeo (787 m a.s.l.), ubicato nel settore centrale dell’isola d’Ischia, mostra lo smantellamento del settore meridionale, depositi di debris e franamenti diffusi che testimoniano la natura instabile del monte. A seguito dell’eruzione ignimbritica del Tufo Verde dell’Epomeo (55.000 anni), che genera una struttura calderica (10x7 km2), inizia la risorgenza della caldera fino alla formazione del Monte Epomeo. Il sollevamento, generato dall’intrusione di un laccolite fino a circa 1 km di profondità, avrebbe determinato una forte instabilità gravitativa del blocco risorgente e prodotto uno o più collassi laterali. Questi hanno lasciato una struttura a ferro di cavallo, tipica di processi da “avalancing”, aperta verso sud, e depositi con topografia “hummocky” estesi a sud dell’Epomeo e rilevati recentemente da esplorazioni sul fondo marino. Il processo che ha generato il collasso e la formazione di un avalanche caldera è stato esaminato attraverso l’analisi della dinamica e dei caratteri geologici, geomorfologici e strutturali dell’area. Attualmente l’isola è caratterizzata da una fase di stasi della risorgenza testimoniata da una condizione di moderata stabilità dei versanti dell’Epomeo. Quanto osservato indicherebbe una bassa dinamica endogena nell’isola

    Non-Abelian vortex dynamics: Effective world-sheet action

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    The low-energy vortex effective action is constructed in a wide class of systems in a color-flavor locked vacuum, which generalizes the results found earlier in the context of U(N) models. It describes the weak fluctuations of the non-Abelian orientational moduli on the vortex worldsheet. For instance, for the minimum vortex in SO(2N) x U(1) or USp(2N) x U(1) gauge theories, the effective action found is a two-dimensional sigma model living on the Hermitian symmetric spaces SO(2N)/U(N) or USp(2N)/U(N), respectively. The fluctuating moduli have the structure of that of a quantum particle state in spinor representations of the GNO dual of the color-flavor SO(2N) or USp(2N) symmetry, i.e. of SO(2N) or of SO(2N+1). Applied to the benchmark U(N) model our procedure reproduces the known CP(N-1) worldsheet action; our recipe allows us to obtain also the effective vortex action for some higher-winding vortices in U(N) and SO(2N) theories.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 0 figure

    Nonlinear convective motion of the asthenosphere and the lithosphere melting: a model for the birth of a volcano

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    The processes of heat transfer occurring between the Earth's asthenosphere and lithosphere are responsible for partial melting of rocks, leading to the magma generation and its migration and segregation in the crust and, possibly, to volcanoes generation at the surface. Convection is the dominant mechanism regulating the heat transfer from the asthenosphere to the lithosphere, although many aspects of the whole process are not yet clear. Therefore, the knowledge of the physical processes leading to the melting of the lithospheric rocks has important consequences in understanding the interior Earth dynamics, the surface volcanic dynamics, and its related hazards. Rock melting occurs when the temperature gradient meets the rock solidus. Here, we propose a nonlinear convective 1D analytical model (representing an approximation of more 3D complex models). The steady-state solution of our equation is in good agreement with the estimated geotherms of the asthenosphere. A perturbative approach leads to a heat swelling at the boundary between asthenosphere and lithosphere able to determine its melting and the birth of a volcano

    Early triple negative breast cancer: Conventional treatment and emerging therapeutic landscapes

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    Triple negative breast cancers (TNBCs) are characterized by worse prognosis, higher propensity to earlier metastases, and shorter survival after recurrence compared with other breast cancer subtypes. Anthracycline-and taxane-based chemotherapy is still the mainstay of treatment in early stages, although several escalation approaches have been evaluated to improve survival outcomes. The addition of platinum salts to standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) remains controversial due to the lack of clear survival advantage, and the use of adjuvant capecitabine represents a valid treatment option in TNBC patients with residual disease after NACT. Recently, several clinical trials showed promising results through the use of poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors and by incorporating immunotherapy with chemotherapy, enriching treatment options beyond conventional cytotoxic agents. In this review, we provided an overview on the current standard of care and a comprehensive update of the recent advances in the management of early stage TNBC and focused on the latest emerging biomarkers and their clinical application to select the best therapeutic strategy in this hard-to-treat population

    Sensitivity of food webs to nitrogen pollution: a study of three transitional water ecosystems embedded in agricultural landscapes

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    1 - Transitional water ecosystems constitute extremely complex and productive environments, a preferred route of migrating birds and optimal nursery locations for many fish species. In these interesting environments, descriptors of trophic relationships between species in a web have been suggested as potential integrative and sensitive endpoints for anthropogenic pressure.2 - To better understand the effects of environmental disturbance on the resident macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, we analysed food webs in three neighbouring transitional water ecosystems located along the Thyrrenian coastal area of Central Italy (Lake Caprolace, Lake Fogliano and Lake Sabaudia), which are affected by different inputs of nitrates from agricultural, farming and urban activities.3 - Macrozoobenthos, aquatic macrophytes and attached macroalgae, leaf detritus from sediments and suspended organic matter in the water column were sampled at four sites in each ecosystem and stable isotope analysis (C and N) was carried out in order to describe trophic pathways and the food web structure.4 - ä15N values of macroinvertebrates increased from Caprolace to Sabaudia according to increasing nitrate concentration derived from organic sources. Macrozoobenthic assemblages varied in species composition with the lowest biodiversity found in Sabaudia, the most polluted ecosystem. Also proportion of primary consumers, predators and omnivorous species varied, with cascade effects on food web topology and nutrient flow pathways.5 - In particular, omnivorous and generalist predators were more numerous in Sabaudia, where food chains were longer and webs less compartmentalised than in Caprolace and Fogliano. In Sabaudia a lower level of web robustness to species loss was also observed.6 - These results suggest that nitrogen pollution can be responsible of evident changes in the architecture of biodiversity between ecosystems, determining less robust trophic structures with strong implication for biodiversity management and conservation

    Red cell distribution width (RDW) and complete blood cell count-derived measures in non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

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    Purpose: To assess the role of complete blood cell count (CBC) dimensional indices and CBC-derived measures in non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NA-AION). Methods: In this retrospective case-control survey, 37 newly diagnosed NA-AION patients and 37 sex-and age-matched cataract controls were enrolled in 2017-2018. On the same day of NA-AION diagnosis, a blood sample was collected and CBC was determined using an automatic blood counter. CBC dimensional indices, such as mean platelet volume (MPV) and red cell distribution width (RDW), and CBC-combined indices, including neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), derived NLR [dNLR = neutrophils/(white blood cells-neutrophils)], and platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR), were evaluated. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was also measured. Results: Mean platelet count, median MPV, RDW, NLR, and dNLR were 221±48 x 109/L, 8.2 fL (IQR=7.6-8.9), 13% (IQR=12-14.5), 2.50 (IQR=1.77-3.06), and 1.73 (IQR=1.31-2.07) in NA-AION patients and 248±56 x 109/L, 7.60 fL (IQR=7.05-8.25), 12% (IQR=11.6-13), 1.95 (IQR=1.43-2.49) and 1.36 (IQR=1.07-1.69) in controls. NA-AION patients showed significantly lower platelet count (p=0.03) and significantly higher median values of MPV (p=0.01), RDW (p=0.015), NLR (p=0.03), and dNLR (p=0.01). Multivariate logistic regression models disclosed a significant correlation only between higher levels of RDW and NA-AION (p≤0.05). The attributable risk of the association between NA-AION and RDW was 33%. Conclusions: Results suggest that RDW may be somehow involved in the pathogenesis of NA-AION. However, high-quality cohort studies are warranted to confirm whether, or not, an altered RDW may be considered a potential biomarker of this vascular disorder affecting the optic nerve
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